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The Great 2006 Super Bowl Backgammon Tournament And Endzone Pile Up Party 02/03/06

I decided to have this backgammon party on a Friday night vs. the past on a Saturday night. David Shaw fixed a great beef stew and Scott Williams brought a huge bowl of salad, so we had a feast. Some pretty good backgammon as well!

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The Super Bowl is Sunday and so I figured few would be able to make a Saturday nght party. That is why I held this one on Friday night after work. I was hoping to create a sense of tesnsion and combat backgammon in preparation for the Super Bowl. Though there was some grousing going on, however, it was pretty tame. Guess everyone was saving it up for Sunday! But we had some really exciting games and it was a lot of fun to hear the constant buzz in the room as the dice were flung onto the boards. A good night, and good clean fun!

Because of the Friday night start, I figured we'd eat around 8:00pm so I had a bunch of snacks to hold us over because we started at 5:30. David Shaw was the first to arrive with the precooked stew that we immediately put onto low heat on the stove. He was followed shortly by Scott Williams with Lisa and Cam.

The dice began hitting the boards immediately and the party was in full swing! We even remembered to stir the stew from time to time. We ate around 8:15, playing right through until 9:45 or so when we started the movie of the night Kingdom of Heaven - a very appropriate warrior movie for the evening.

After the movie finished everyone except Josh headed out. I had another glass of Cabernet, and we chatted and played a couple more games. We didn't end up the evening until around 1:30am. I could have gone on, but knew I had a lot to do Saturday morning. So, after Josh left I did a little more clean up and then headed up to bed; didn't come to until 10:30 so got a pretty good rest.

I'm ready for the next party...

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Whose throw is it now... David Shaw and I in an early game.

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Scott Williams - last month's champ - takes a smile break from our game. Didn't do him any good; where's the magic this time, Scott? Hu?

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Mid evening action - and no, David Shaw really does have an opponent on the other side of the table.

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Josh wasn't able to show up until a little later after a long drive up from MA. There was plenty of food left so he chowed down before throwing any dice.

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Lisa and Cam had quite a few games between them. Not sure how the score between them ended up, but seems they enjoyed themselves. Neither Marissa or Colin were at the part to egg them on. Colin worked late and Marissa got a last minute babysitting job.

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Rick Downs and I had a pretty lively 3 match series - about 4 games total I think. I came out ahead but a few of the games were pretty close.

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Cam and David Shaw working through the positions.

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A brief pause in the action in the living room.

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